Juicing for weight loss has been a great trend in recent years.
While it may have been started by some other health-conscious individuals, many juicing fans stated they took the inspiration from the film Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross.
Joe claimed to lose more than a hundred pounds within 60 days of his juice cleanse. He gained not only a slim figure but also great physical and mental health benefits. I saw the guy’s pictures on the net – he has all those sexy belly abs man!

While Joe is an exceptional case, he is not the only one to have succeeded in improving his overall being with juices. Many others claim they lose weight following a short juice fast.
If you’re considering taking up juicing for weight loss, read on to find our recommended low sugar green juice recipes. I will also explain at the end of the article how they work to kick the pounds, or the kilos, away.
5 Magic Juice Recipes for Weight Loss
1. Spinach and Apple Juice Recipe
The Juice

You have to use a masticating juicer or a twin gear one in order to juice the leafy greens. If you don’t have one, use a blender to make a smoothie out of these ingredients. I personally find this kind of smoothie a little too fibrous and hard to drink, but you may like it and can benefit from the fiber!
(Recipe by ifocushealth)
2 cups spinach (60 grams)
2 green apples
1 wedge lemon
½ cup carrot greens (13 grams)
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
Chop the apples into 6 – 8 wedges and remove the seeds (use an apple slicer and corer for quicker prep).
Add the ingredients into the juicer, mixing carrot greens and spinach at the same time. End with the lemon and the apples.
Pour the juice into a glass. Add the pepper and enjoy.
2. Turmeric Juice Recipe
The Juice

Start with the turmeric root and the carrot, and finish with the apple or the celery so that all the colored juices will be washed through.
(Recipe by juicerecipes)
½ apple
1 medium carrot
1 small stalk celery
¼ thumb ginger root
½ lemon
½ medium pear
1 ½ thumb turmeric root
Chop the apple and the pear into wedges
Cut the carrot and the celery
Add all of the ingredient into a juicer.
Stir and enjoy.
3. Bitter Gourd Juice Recipe
The Juice

If you usually find the bitter melon too bitter, start with ¼ small melon to see if it works for you and increase/cut the amount according to your preference. Adding more apples helps improve the taste. However, apples tend to be very high in sugar content, which is not good for weight loss.
(Recipe by Rebootwithjoe)
1 bitter melon
2 green apples
2 large celery stalks
1 big or 2 small cucumber
1 small lemon
Chop the bitter melon, remove the seeds and the white part.
Core the apples. Chop the apples and the celery so that they fit through a juicer.
Run everything through a juicer.
Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy.
4. Cucumber Lemon Juice Recipe
The Juice

If you want to make a smoothie instead of juice, use one cucumber instead of three, and add in one ice/water!
(Recipe by Femniqe)
3 large or 6 baby cucumbers
¼ fresh lemon
Cut the cucumber so it works for your juicer
Feed the juicer with all of the ingredients
Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy!
5. Amla Juice Recipe
The Juice

Amlas can be quite sour and also slightly bitter. If the taste is too strong for you, feel free to add some pure ice or water to dilute.
(Recipe by thehealthsite)
6 fresh amlas
1-2 teaspoons honey
Salt to taste
Cut the amlas and remove the seeds
Run the amla through a juicer
Pour the juice into a glass. Mix with the honey and a little salt.
Enjoy your healthy drink!
How does drinking these juices help you lose weight?
Do you feel immediately healthier after drinking a glass of fresh juice? You’re not alone! As for me, it’s like my mind is immediately cleared, and the magic liquid somehow melts my fat by a bit. Immediately, seriously.
However, it’s worth noting that there are yet enough solid scientific evidence to prove the benefits of drinking juices for weight loss. There are studies on how some juices promote fat burn, but a lot more are needed before we can confirm.
One way the green juices can help you drop some pounds is if you only consume them and nothing else, i.e. going on a juice fast.
Unfortunately, a long juice fast may result in a shortage of protein and other essential nutrients for your body, along with other health problems.
Therefore, we’d recommend that you consult a dietitian before making the juices the sole part of your diet.

So how can you shred the pounds healthily with these juice recipes?
All of the recipes in this post are extremely low in sugar and fat. They are green juices – they’re made out of mainly leafy greens and fat-burning roots. Some fruits are in there, but only in moderate amount to help with the taste.
So, while the juices won’t actively go kill all the much hated fat cells in your body, drinking them in replacement of sugar-dense drinks/snacks helps significantly.
Do I have to talk about how they’re a lot healthier than a Coke?
Drink these juices instead of orange juice, which has been found to be very high in sugar content, as do many other juices made from fruits (surprise!). That would help to reduce the total carbs consumed by a great amount.
And what happens when you eat less carb? Weight loss.
That, my friend, is the science of it. At least up until now.
So, drink the amazingly tasty juices that are extremely low in calories, and enjoy saying goodbye to the fat rolls.
Source: press her